Live Professional Boxing - The Next Generation

Lee Baxter Promotions is more than just a professional boxing promotional company. Founded in 2015, LBP was created to oversee all aspects of a professional boxer’s career. Committed to developing its fighters, mapping out their roads to success, negotiating contracts, ensuring their health, creating marketing and endorsement opportunities, giving financial advice and preparing clients for their careers after boxing.

Lee Baxter Promotions presents:
Live Professional Boxing – The Next Generation
Sunday. December 18, 2022
REBEL – Toronto
This is an ALL AGES event / 19+ mezzanine / 19+ side stage booths
Valid photo ID required for mezzanine and side stage booth access.
Rebel Toronto - Ink Entertainment Group

We transport you to an extraordinary, multi-dimensional universe that evolves throughout the night. 45,000 square feet of striking design and unexpected wonder combine with powerful sound, immersive light, sensual forms and tactile details to delight and astound at every turn. With breathtaking views of the city skyline, waterfront and the dramatic 65-foot stage, wherever you are is right where you want to be.